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  • something i've been experimenting with for quite a while and coming up with the same conclusion. let's say i'm listening to new music to find some gems, yet as expected, i keep coming across a lot of shitty ones * and the more i keep going, the more lower-quality music, based on my taste buds, comes out.

    and i just stop the discovery mode when hitting absolute rock bottom. then after i give myself some time to recover, something interesting happens as i get back to listening to one of those songs that made me think "meh" before; suddenly, after being exposed to truly horrible ones, somehow starts to sound actually good! and even i catch myself enjoying them and saving them on my playlist!

    i don't think this only applies to music but to all areas of our lives. the thing is, i can't even comprehend how much shit is going through us without being noticed and falling into the acceptable box out of this extremely dangerous thing called comparison that is happening at the back of our heads non-stop, subconsciously, based on what's available to us at the given moment. and that's quite scary.