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  • there is a lot to say about breath: the way we take it, the way we hold it, and the way we let it go alongside its depth, warmth, or coldness; where we feel it within our body; and how long we can pay attention to it without getting distracted, which is an entirely different matter (see: meditation).

    there are endless techniques and reasonings when it comes to breathing, all optimizing for different things, such as for police officers to shoot better (no kidding, it's real!), for yoga practitioners to have a better connection with their bodies, for athletes to have control over their bodies, and for meditators to have an awareness of their...

    not really sure of what; their existence, mind, emotions, bond with the universe, the current moment, all of 'em? who knows, that's why beginners find meditation complicated, yet for masters, it's the epitome of simplicity. (me swinging in between!)